Delicious Duck that Wows with Apricot Honey Glaze

Delicious Duck that Wows with Apricot Honey Glaze
Duck-about 1 1/2 - 2 lbs., Long Island Duck is a favorite
oranges and apples-1-2 each
1 large onion
olive oil-extra virgin
salt,pepper, garlic powder-
Step 1: Unwrap the duck and wash off and remove all the insides and rinse well. Then pat it down with paper towel to dry it well.
Step 2: Rub olive oil all over the duck generously. Now sprinkle the salt,pepper, and garlic powder mixture on the inside and outside of the duck.
Step 3: Cut up the apples, oranges, and onions. Stuff inside the duck and place on a roasting pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 2- 2 1/2 hours--until golden brown.
Step 4: Make the Apricot Glaze-1/2-3/4 c. apriciot prserves,2 T. soy sauce, 2 1/2 T. Dijon mustard, 2 T. honey. Combine ingredients and baste the duck with this glaze. Then return to the oven, raising the temperature to 450 degrees and cook for 30 more minutes.
Step 5: Serve on a beautiful platter with pomegranates and pears to decorate.
Simply Delicious..Hampton's Style!